Dr. Darryl T. Blalock
Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon
Darryl T. Blalock, MD
Dr. Blalock specializes in the treatment of a variety of orthopedic conditions and general orthopedics.
About Dr. Blalock
Specializing in general orthopedics, treating a full range of orthopedic conditions involving muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fractures, utilizing a customized patient approach in both operative and non-operative treatment.
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- Undergraduate: University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, TX
- Medical: Texas A&M University of Health Science Center, College of Medicine, Temple, TX
- Orthopedic Surgery Residency: Kansas University Medical Center, Kansas, KS
Hospital Affiliations
Awards and Recognition
- Betty & Federico Adler Resident Award for Outstanding Orthopedic Research
- James R. Olney, MD Memorial Award for Academic Excellence
Research and Publications
- Blalock, D., Krause, U., Zeitouni, S., Gregory, C., Novel biocompatible matrices for in vivo delivery of mesenchymal stem cells for bone repair. Poster presentation: The 5th International Conference on Mesenchymal and Non-Hematopoietic Stem Cells; November 2009
- Zeitouni S, Krause U, Clough BH, Halderman H, Falster A, Blalock DT et al. Human mesenchymal stem cell-derived matrices for enhanced osteoregeneration. Sci Transl Med 2012; 4:132ra155
- Blalock, D., Miller, A., Tilley, M., Wang, J. Joint instability and osteoarthritis. Clin Med Insights Arthritis Musculoskelet Disord. 2015 Feb 19;8:15-23
- Zhang, M., Blalock, D., Wang, J. Classifications and definitions of normal joints. In Chen Q (ed), Osteoarthritis: Progress in Basic Research and Treatment., ISBN 978-953-51-4148-8. InTech, 2015; pp3-14